Academic Research
Current Research:
Deep learning methods for missing data:
Meta Learning
Missing Data
Generative AI
This meta network of Variational Autoencoders can be used to impute and estimate the conditional distribution of missing data as well as be integrated into classification and regression neural networks. Implemented with Pytorch.
PCA Plot
Continuous representations of sex physiology:
Personalized Medicine
Representation Learning
Generative AI
The variation in human sex physiology is far to complicated to be characterized with a binary variable that is fixed at birth. This work studies deep learning methods of constructing a variable that is more predictive of sex associated medical phenomena. Implemented with Python.
Previous Research:
Animation of skin darkening
Generative model for skin cancer lesions (2021):
Computer Vision
Generative AI
Fair AI
Designed and trained a generative model that produces images of skin lesions on individuals with dark skin tones, who are under-represented in data. Implemented with Python.
POMDP for acute care decompensation (2021):
Reinforcement Learning
Modeling Experiments
Estimated policy function for Partially Observable Markov Decision Process for managing rapid decompensation and (septic) shock with Neural Network using MIMIC-III data. Implement with Julia.
Autofluorescent Signal Isolation (2020):
Computer Vision
Cancer Biology
Molecular Biology
Developed deep learning method for separation, and featurization of autofluorescent signal in megapixel resolution, multiplexed immunofluorescence images.
cGAN for image augmentation (2019):
Computer Vision
Generative AI
Cancer Biology
Created synthetic images of tissue samples with and without autofluorescence to validated subtraction algorithms using conditional generative adversarial networks.
Tumor segmentation (2017):
Computer Vision
Model Evaluation
Trained and evaluated models to segment and classify multiple types of tissue in patients with high grade gliomas using novel, multimodal data at the time of the research. Implemented with Python.
Mapping Social Mobility (2016):
Data Visualization
Developed an interactive visualization of social mobility in the United States using D3.js. Uses are able to upload, merge, and download data as well as fit linear models. Implemented with Javascript. Website.